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Importing Settings for Libre 2 Direct WITH calibration

Scan the QR code shown here to load the settings needed for Libre 2 direct. Under Settings in the left hand "hamburger" menu, select "Auto configure" and capture the QR code. You will need to press the Yes button to confirm that you want to import these settings.

Libre 2 Direct settings imported from QR code...

Scanning the QR code will result in the following settings & values. These are the settings changes needed for correct Libre 2 direct operation.

Hardware Data Source/Libre Bluetooth (menu item)

NFC Scan Features/Use NFC Feature = true .
NFC Scan Features/Starting BT connection with... (Always connect to Libre2 sensors)

NFC Scan Features/Use faster multi-block reading method = false .
NFC Scan Features/use any-tag optimised reading = false .

Less Common/Advanced for Libre2/Show raw values in graph = true

Less Common/Advanced for Libre2/Show sensor info in status... = true

Less common/other misc options/Run collector in foreground = true

Less common/other misc options/Out Of Process Libre Algorithm = false

Less common/other misc options/OOP2 algorith calib/calibrate based on raw

Less common/other misc options/Smooth Libre data = true

Less common/other misc options/Retrieve Libre History = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Turn BT On = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Allow BluCon unbonding = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Bluetooth Watchdog = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Trust Auto-connect = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Use background scans = true

Less Common/BT Settings/Close GATT on BLE disconnect = false